For best results, air-pop your Popping Corn using a Popcorn Maker and pick up at skip 4. If you don't have a Popcorn Maker handy then gently heat a tablespoon of oil in a large saucepan.
Carefully add a pouch of Gourmet Popping Corn to the saucepan and cover. Make sure the lid is secured tightly.
The Gourmet Popping Corn will soon start to POP! Occasionally shake the pan to prevent sticking and when the popping stops remove from the heat. Keep the saucepan covered until you are certain the popping has finished and then carefully remove the lid.
Sprinkle sea salt on the popcorn and using a wooden spoon gently toss your popcorn to evenly distribute the salt flakes. Then transfer to a serving bowl while still warm… and tuck in!